Hearties Family Reunion Testimonials

Hearties sharing their experiences from Hearties Family Reunions

From Vonn Kilbourn at HFR5:

Since returning from HFR5, I have had many friends ask, “What was your favorite part?” There was so much that I loved about the reunion that I honestly couldn’t tell them. But I found myself repeating an incident from Friday evening  that I believe truly defines what it means to be a Heartie. The lady at the front was talking about her husband having a surgery to have his appendix removed and described how the other ladies at her table were so caring and concerned for her situation. Then, from the back of the room, a man stood and offered prayer for them and the doctor. Reverent silence fell across the room and it didn’t matter what religion or denomination you were from, we were all in agreement for the well-being of another Heartie. We all formed a community of like-minded concern for someone who needed comfort, love, and stability. That’s what it means to be a Heartie.